Friday, March 21, 2008

Adding Meaning to Our Martial Arts Training

My students have a number of interesting projects underway or in various stages of planning at the dojo:

1. A children's book drive for local public schools. To date, we've collected over 300 books and $1,000.

2. A concert to benefit the Home for Little Wanderers. In the planning stages now, but what an idea!

3. A walk to benefit the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

4. A park cleanup in conjunction with the Emerald Necklace Conservancy

More examples from our school's project portfolio can be found online at:

I'm proud these efforts, and of the students leading the charge on these projects. We're doing good things for others and the community. We're redefining what it means to be a martial artist and a Black Belt.

Not bad for a tiny dojo of only 30 members… Just imagine how much our ability to make a difference will grow as our dojo grows in size!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bonsai and Martial Arts

Not much to report today. Focusing on staying healthy and sane, taking care of family, and growing the dojo. I took some time today to post to my other blog, "The Martial Musings of an Artist of Life."

I think my thoughts there are relevant to this UBBT journey, so please check it out if you can.

The whole family visited the Boston Flower Show last weekend. It was packed, but still a great day trip. Fell in love all over again with the art of bonsai, and as a result, I picked up a small juniper tree for $15 at the local Home Depot. Just started working on it yesterday. I've managed to kill a few bonsai in my time, so I promise to do better with this one. Perhaps my parenting skills will come into play…!

Since picking up the tree, trimming it, watering it, and wiring it, I've been drawing 1,000's of parallels in my mind between martial arts training and "training" my new little tree friend. With time and attention, it might even become a masterpiece, like the one pictured here!

Have a great week!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Haiku to Start the Day

I came up with this one while walking the dog this morning:

Not as cold today:
Winter is losing its grip.
Look! - A crocus bud!

Ahhh, spring is on the way! At last! My attitude is improving (thawing?) as Daylight Saving Time approaches. The days are getting longer, the snow has almost completely melted, and I'm looking forward to evening walks after work with my wife daughter while the sun is still up.

Just read a wonderful passage from 365 Tao:

"No matter how much we achieve one day, we must continue the next. Progress is often so subtle that we may often feel the effort futile, and it is hard to get up each morning with the same enthusiasm. Yet this is precisely what we must do."

Somehow, the daily pushups and crunches seemed easier today.
