Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Life Has A Country-Western Soundtrack

Forgive me, UBBT friends, for not posting a blog last week. Life has been more hectic and stressful than I could have imagined, but I have endured.

We recently replaced our hot water heater. No big deal, right? But that's when we discovered that our downstairs neighbors in the condo have been using power from our house to run their washer and dryer -- for the last three years.

Then came the water main break that required emergency plumbing and a special visit to my home by the Boston Fire Department and Boston Water & Sewer: They had to shut the water off from the street to stop the flooding (Visualize me bailing out the basement at 2:00 am in 20 degree weather as the water gushed in.)

While the Water & Sewer dept. was at the house, they confirmed that we have LEAD PIPES feeding the house, so we're formulating a plan to get those replaced. ASAP.

Despite our best efforts, my daughter's blood sugar has been out of control. (She recently hit 400 on a blood glucose test. Normal range is 80-110.) That means emergency infusion set changes in the middle of the night for both me and my wife, so neither of us is sleeping much. I'm now up all the time. In fact, it's 2:30 am while I'm writing this post.

My wife is 6 months pregnant. Some stress there. Enough said.

Oh, and did I mention we have a squirrel living in our roof? Called Critter Control to catch the little bugger before it does too much damage. (Visualize a small wire cage on the roof baited with peanuts. No, I'm not joking.) And since we're talking about the roof, there's a 10 foot section of gutter missing up there that needs to be repaired immediately.

You want more? I called the vet this week because, sadly, I need to put down my dog, Pallas. She's been part of the family for almost 15 years. She was literally a mangy, flea bitten stray wandering the woods when I found her back in 1995 and patched her up. She's had a great life and we've had great times together, but now, old age is getting the best of her and she's clearly suffering.

I share all this not to garner sympathy. Truth is, I know all this stress is making me stronger. But I have to think that somewhere out there, there's a country western singer who could turn this story into a number one hit.

With all of this, there are some bright spots to consider: I haven't missed a meal. I have people in my life who love and care about me. I still have a roof over my head (squirrel and all). And through all of this, I have continued to train. Every day. No exceptions. The dojo is my sweat lodge, and karate is my medicine. If anything, these recent life events have made me train HARDER.

I imagine that some might recommend that I slow down a bit, take some time off. Nope. I refuse to be defeated by circumstances. My life is my dojo, and this is my Black Belt test.

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