Friday, January 25, 2008

Another week gone by already?

Where does the time go?

Been working on developing grappling skills by trying to recall and practice the basic techniques and fundamentals I've been taught over the years (a mix of BJJ, aikido, jujitsu and aiki-jutsu), and then spending time on the mats with my BBC students. Life's too hectic right now to go out and get formal training, so this will have to do. Still, I'm enjoying doing what I can: groundwork is a nice compliment to my traditional karate background.

Had a great conversation with some of my students this week about the shocking amount of violence that youth in this city are facing. I'm looking to help in whatever small way that I can with the time I can make available. Can I be a visible and engaged, positive role model? Can I connect with "at-risk" youth in a meaningful way?

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