Friday, February 29, 2008

I Have a Right to Feel Good!

Just the other day, I was looking around and found my attitude... it was in the toilet. I'm tired. My back hurts. I'm worried about my daughter. The economy is tanking. This Boston weather stinks.

Man, what a spiral I was in. And for the most part, I could justify every negative aspect. "With all that's happening, I have a right to feel like crap," I thought. And I was right. So consciously, I left my attitude exactly where it was — in the toilet.

But today, I got up and tried really hard to change my attitude. Walking the dog this morning, I observed the sun coming up over the rooftops, and the long shadows in the snow covered park. "Marvelous," I thought. The air was cold and crisp. (Okay, it was 11 *&^#$% degrees.) "Wonderful," I thought.

Hey, I know it's a small start. But I have a right to feel good, too.

It's really my choice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got an email from a friend the other day saying she'd just counted her blessings. "Grump," I thought. "I don't wanna count my blessings. I want to complain." Fortunately, I then remembered oh yeah, there's no need to count your blessings when you're in a good mood!