Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Less Is More!

Sometimes my daily meditation consists of simply laying quietly in bed for a few minutes immediately after waking up — before Ava wakes and needs to be fed, before the dog needs to be walked, before I set the day's agenda and need to get ready for work. It's quiet — as quiet as a fairly busy city street gets, anyway — and I can relax into the moment, calm my mind, and enjoy BEING. Taking time to notice simple things: the increasing light as the sun rises, the sound of rain on the roof, the dog's heavy breathing... This clears my mind of all the "stuff," and my problems and challenges suddenly get more manageable.

After finishing another pass of the Tao Te Ching last week, I decided to do more reading about Taoism: I'm now working through "365 Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao, and each meditation is a wonderful reminder to relax, accept, simplify, and reconnect to nature. Walking in the park, I notice the spring buds already coming out, without effort, and (I trust) exactly on time. There's a lesson there, to be sure!

I've been trying to simplify, too: last week I donated 3 coats I'll never wear again. There's nothing wrong with them at all, other than the clutter they were making in my closet — and my mind! I'm now looking for more stuff to get rid of!

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