Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aren't You Supposed to Be Somewhere?

I'm no New York City exec, but I've noticed lately that the pace of modern living that I've been keeping these days hasn't left me much room for doing NOTHING. My days have been crammed with "doing" from sunrise to bedtime. I heard somewhere the reminder that we are not meant to be "humans doing." Rather, we are supposed to be "humans being." So today, I'm in outright revolt, and I encourage you to do the same.

Do yourself a favor: stop and smell the roses today.

Dare yourself to listen to a bird chirp, or even to notice the symphony of a dripping faucet. Don't just drink your coffee — TASTE IT. Read something that has nothing to do with your job, your to-do list, or your life goals. Spend 10 minutes looking at a painting and just FEEL SOMETHING.

Go to a place where you can actually see the horizon.

Go on, I dare you.

I promise it won't hurt.

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