Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More Contradictions

I recently found an interesting article online: A letter from Deepak Chopra inviting readers to take a vow of non-violence. I took a few moments to ponder the implications here: Could I — a lifelong martial artist and former Marine — really and honestly take (and keep) such a vow without immediately bursting into flame?

Even though I've spent a lifetime studying fighting arts, combat strategy, anatomy, and weaponry, at heart, I'm a very peaceful guy. At least I like to think so. Despite all of my martial experience, I still encourage — and require — my students to study nonviolence, and to increase their skills at anger management and peaceful conflict resolution. I even try to meditate every day.

The truth is, I wouldn't hurt a fly. Okay, maybe the mice in the house are an exception here. Mosquitoes, too. And I'm not a vegetarian, either. And while I'll do everything I can to avoid a physical confrontation, I'm more than ready to enter into one if I really need to.

Ugh. This is hard! I AM committed to bringing about a world of peace, harmony, laughter, and love. And yet at the same time, I am who I am.

It's kind of messy, really.

For example, I'm currently reading two books: One explores the nature of violent physical encounters, and the other teaches meditation practices for inner peace. If I don't burst into flame, I'm pretty sure my head will, at some point, actually explode.

I wonder, how might I continue to engage in violent actions (practice martial arts), but without violent intent? Can I be peaceful, but not wimpy? How can I reconcile my desire for peace with my passion for my chosen art?

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