Friday, July 31, 2009

Trial By Fire

It's been a while since I've posted anything about my UBBT physical training regimen. Recently, I've been doing a lot of work with Clubbells. They're nasty little torture devices — essentially miniature iron baseball bats with a displaced center of mass. Using them is a total body workout that improves strength, grip, endurance, flexibility, mobility, and GUTS. Oh, and using them is pretty darn fun, too.

Now that I've more or less got the Clubbell basics down, I've set a goal of completing a "Trial By Fire:" One hundred single Clubbell mill swings (each arm) one hundred double swipes, and one hundred two-handed hammer swings, all using the 15 lb. Clubbell — in 30 minutes or less. I'm going to do a dry run today to asses my current Clubbell fitness level, and then I'll use the results to set a TBF goal that has a specific deadline.

Wish me luck.

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