Friday, April 9, 2010

Thoughts on Bullying in Boston -- And What I'm Doing About It

What happened to Phoebe Prince was an absolute tragedy. I find myself getting more and more angry as more information about the case comes to light, such as what I read today in this article. So much more could have been done. So many people failed to act or did not heed the warning signs. As a martial arts instructor, my #1 job is to give people the resources to help keep them safe. This includes my karate students, of course, but also the kids, parents, teachers, and other people in need who I'll NEVER EVEN MEET. That's one of the reasons why I'm developing the "Boston Self Defense" online community.

Please join me and other people in greater Boston who want to help develop resources and spread information about safety and self-defense.

Bullying is REAL. It happens in person, and increasingly, it's happening online in the form of "cyber-bullying." There's a ton of antibullying information readily available, and there are many instructors out there who are capable of bringing information to our community. Let's get connected. I myself will be going to a school in Sommerville this morning to speak to a group of children about bullying: what it is, how to prevent it, and (most importantly) what to DO if one is being bullied or witnessing an act of bullying.

I'll report back soon on how today's training goes. If I may be of service to you, or to anyone within your sphere of influence, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sensei Jason Gould
Emerald Necklace Martial Arts

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