Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Diet Challenge!

Halloween has come and gone. We didn't get much traffic at our house, so the candy that we bought for the neighborhood kids is still in the house. And as good as I've been with eating healthier in the last few weeks and months (more fruit, more water, less meat, less caffeine, and very little refined sugar), I'm finding it way too easy this week to dip into the sweet, chocolate leftovers!

So, I'm taking the extra bags of treats into the office to give them to my co-workers. I know they'll appreciate the snack, even though it's really a selfish act on my part to help keep me from binging. (So I suppose I can't really count this as an "Act of Kindness!")

And next year, it's granola bars for the Trick-Or-Treaters.

I hope they don't egg my house!

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