Friday, November 9, 2007

Got some motivation this week!

A good friend of mine just sent me a You Tube link to some outtakes and trailers for a new Japanese karate action film called, "Black Belt." Now, I know the stuff in the film is precisely choreographed, but I can't watch it and not marvel at how GOOD these guys really are. The techniques and control the artists demonstrate is AMAZING! Makes me want to go out and train right now. Exactly the motivation I needed today!

See the You Tube film here.

Got some other motivation this week: my yoga instructor told me that she thought I was making progress in improving my flexibility. Now THAT was nice to hear — such a small compliment, and yet it made a HUGE difference in my outlook. I'm really enjoying the yoga class because it provides me with a weekly opportunity to do some "inner" and "outer" work. While holding some of the balance poses, I have no choice but to stay focused on where I am and what I'm doing RIGHT NOW.

It's a nice lesson for the "balance" I'm trying to achieve in the rest of my life.

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