Friday, May 16, 2008

It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

Big Fresh, one of my favorite healthy eating spots, sells "Green Guides" from Chelsea Green Publishing to their customers. These little books cover a range of environmentally friendly subjects: biking to work, composting, conserving water, recycling, saving energy, and greening the workplace. As I sat there eating my bean salad, it occurred to me that I should have these guides sitting in the dojo, as part of the dojo library. I already require my students to complete acts of "environmental self-defense" as part of their training, so these Green Guides should fit right in as a "training resource" for my students — right next to the books on punches and kicks.

(As an aside, we also have a growing list of peace education, nonviolent communication, and anger management-related books and materials on the shelves. Yep, that's right: Ghandi and Funakoshi right alongside one another, and somehow it all makes sense!)

Two of my students will be wrapping up their community service project early next week: As part of their Purple Belt test, they've collected over $1,400 and more than 1,000 books for Boston area schools. (Read the full details here.) I'm truly impressed by the leadership, organization, and communications skills my students demonstrate when they put their projects together. And ahhh! Martial artists serving as a force for good in the world! It just doesn't get any better than this!

Moving into summer now. Must make time to rest and relax, even as I gear up mentally (and financially, and strategically…) for our dojo's big move to a new location in the fall! I keep telling myself that I need to dream BIGGER and BOLDER: It was Helen Keller who said, "Life is a great adventure, or nothing at all." Let the games begin!

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