Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Kind of Stuff That Stretches Me

Lots happening this week. One of my students is helping me to develop and coordinate a training/presentation on increasing our interpersonal conflict resolution skills. (Actually, I should really say that I'm helping HER she's taken the ball and she's really running with it!) When it's ready, I hope to offer this training for all of my students, and then eventually, to also sponsor the training — or something like it — at the dojo for anyone in the community. I'm sure I'll learn a thing or two from the presentation. More tools for the toolkit of life!

I received a request from the Carroll Center for the Blind to provide self-defense and self-empowerment training to a group of teens during their summer camp program. All of the teens in the program will be blind or have some significant vision loss; a few participants may have other developmental disabilities as well. I ran a similar training session for the center last year, and really enjoyed it: the kids were an enthusiastic bunch, and I learned more from them than I could ever have anticipated. This kind of stuff stretches me — it's an honor to be asked to teach — and I'm looking forward to revising and expanding the program for this year's group.

Some badly needed family vacation time coming up at the end of the month!

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