Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taming An Urban Jungle

There's a narrow strip of public green space alongside the road next door to our dojo. It's a sharply sloping piece of land along an overpass, maybe 30 or 40 yards long by 10 yards deep at its widest point. Not a huge swath of land by any means, but pretty big by city standards. The space is unkempt, overgrown, filled with weeds, and it tends to collect the trash that gets discarded by careless drivers and passers-by. But oh, it's got potential!

The green space I'm describing will essentially be our dojo's backyard when we move into our new space this fall. Because we embrace "environmental self-defense" as a philosophy, I've contacted our local Community Development Corporation and it's network of Green Space Advocates to learn more about how to get my dojo involved in helping to enhance, protect, and maintain the area. It will make an excellent "classroom" for us, and a place where we can readily connect with nature in the city.

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