Wednesday, June 25, 2008

In Canada

I'm up in Canada this week, taking my annual "vacation:" A weeklong, intensive martial arts seminar at the University of Guelph in Ontario. Three workouts a day, plus lectures at night. Our training is covering tai chi, chi kung, weapons, sparring, kata, jujitsu, and more. We're three days in, and I'm sore, but enjoying the immersion!

One of the benefits of a week away is that I'm able to eat much healthier: I've found that when I don't need to work all day, shop for food, plan and cook meals, or do dishes after eating, it's much easier to make better food choices. Eating mindfully and mostly vegetarian this week. I need to incorporate some of these eating habits into my everyday life.

I'm also doing little to no teaching this week – I'm very much a student here, and that feels great!

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