Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kagami Biraki

Over the weekend, we held a "kagami biraki" New Year's workout at our dojo. About 25 students showed up for the special training session, which consisted of basic techniques (lots and lots of kicks and punches), push-ups, sit-ups, and kata demonstrations by the Black Belts and senior students. The workout was an instant reminder of my need to do more abdominal work, as I felt myself tiring after the very first set of sit ups. But we all pushed through and had a great workout, which we finished with a traditional snack: with mochi cakes, tangerines, and ... sake.

I installed a new mirror in the dojo this week — 12 feet wide and seven feet high, it covers a large portion of the training deck. I hope that the mirror will be less of a distraction and more of an instant feedback tool — both for me, and for my students. Mirrors don't lie — So now, there's nowhere for any of us to hide!

To kick start my meditation practice this year, I'm reading "Turning the Mind Into an Ally" by Sakyong Mipham, and I'm planning a quick visit to the Shambhala Meditation Center here in town some time next month. Beyond pushups and situps, I'm working on a new regimen of bodyweight and joint-mobility exercises to help me with my core strength and flexibility.

2010 is going to be a wild ride: My wife, daughter, and I are happily expecting baby #2 in late April or early May. I'm scheduled to test for my 4th dan in Canada at the end of June. We're approaching the "make or break" point in terms of dojo enrollment vs. our sliding rent scale in July. Ava starts pre-K in the fall. As the saying goes, "We're surrounded. Great! Now we can attack in any direction!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pecs ached for an embarrassingly long time after this!